Ok everyone I have seen where my lovely child has gotten on here and tried to keep you all informed on my health. To that I am grateful.....
I also seen where she found some of my writings of the end of the year :0
I do get what I call a runaway brain. I do get to writing and sometime don't know when to stop.
But it's because I have so many feelings that I keep locked up inside and when it comes out I just don't know when to quit....
Let me say this....
My holidays was crap and I so hope each and every one of you had a wonderful holiday..
I want to inform you all that I have been spring-ed from that institution they call a hospital...lol...
I am affraid to drink anything for there may be some leaks and frankly I really don't feel like cleaning the mess up...lol....
Today was like my New Year...
When my doctor told me I could go home today but take it easy...... All I kept say was how much easier do you want me to go I have been laid up in a bed for what seems like for ever and I have missed so much.....
Come on get real...lol....
Well to make a long story short...imagine that one yeah right......
I caught the flu yeah well it took it's toll on me and I was down for the count.....
My lungs aren't in the greatest shape but what the hey.....
Well all I have been thinking about for the last three days is when and what am I going to do?????
Well I guess I have to keep things in a some what reasonable thing....
Ok I do have to take some treatments and there will be days when I wish that damn sun will not rise. And yeah I will make very good friends with that porcelain goddess and more than likely sleep very close to her....
But hell at least she won't snore or kick...lol....
Kidding all a side I want to give special hugs and kisses to my wonderful kids and yeah grand kids. And a very special thanks to all that does get by here and reads this bunch of mushy words I write. I know you all have a life and are busy but thanks.......

I really hope you all had a wonderful new year and as for what I am wishing for this new year? Well to spend time with the ones I love and to get started on that book that some one told me I should write along time ago.
Well I am some what tired I didn't realize just how much energy it takes to do all of this.
But I just wanted to say thanks and let you all know I am out and no I didn't run away I was released...lol....
I really think they got tired of me telling them what to do before they did it. I know the nurses was glad I am gone home because now the don't have to worry about me trying to start my own IV...lol...
First thing of busy is I am going to go to the tanner god I am a ghost.....ugh....
Second well I haven't decided that yet so we will see.
Thanks again to my daughter for writing and hey maybe you should have proofed my 2008 thing before you pasted it on here....lol.....
Happy New Year every one. To the ones I love hugs and kisses....
Next week will be a big week and hopefully things will be alright. If not well what can I say........
Thanks to my readers I hope and wish you all wonderful days to come.
XOXO to all.... I think tomorrow will be a good day I think......