So sorry everyone for not being on here for a few days.
Things have not been so happy around here in my world.
I have lost a friend and it is so sad. She was 31yrs old and was pregnant with twins. Her first. A boy and a girl what a blessing.
Well into her 7th month she went into labor and delivered the babies. Each only weighting only 2lbs and a few ounces. They were both put into there ICU cribs. After about 5 days they allowed her to come home and she would call to check on the babies three times a day to make sure everything was going well.
The babies did go threw a rough time and they still aren't out the stage where they can be removed and held and cooed to like most babies. But only Crystal mother and her brother can go into the ICU to just talk to them and touch them threw the hand hole. 

She came home and was home maybe a week an a half. She started having complications. One thing lead to another and with in a week she was in the hospital with a clotting disease and we were told that she also was bleeding internal and they had found a blood clot close to her heart.
So what they told us was with the bleeding internal they couldn't give her any thing for the clotting. They couldn't do anything about the surgery for the blood clot by the heart because of the other complications. Bottom line anything they would do other than the freezing the blood plasma with heavy antibiotics. Well they had her on life support by this time. A machine breathing for her. More test was run and then the bottom line was this. With all the other stuff they have found now that her left side of the brain was dead. Both of her legs now has turn black and her left arm was black and three of her fingers on the other hand had turned black. This was from the blood clotting. If she was to come out of this coma she has went into she would be a total vegetated state. No legs and one arm with only two fingers.
There was no living will and no husband or even a boyfriend to stand by her. So this was now left up to her mother and her brother.
Needless to say Crystal's family has had to be put the painful task of taking her off the life support.
This was done. And she lasted four days with out anything until she passed. The viewing will be this Friday and the funeral will be Saturday.
The babies I am happy to report are doing great. There weight has gotten more. I can say as of now they have gone up to over three pounds and they are taking the amount of formula they should for preemies.
The brother and his wife are going to adopt the babies as theirs and raise them as they were their own.
Karen the mother of Crystal is doing as well as expected. This was her baby.

Rest in peace my dear friend and know you will be missed by many of your friends and family.
I just wanted to let you wonderful friends of mine that I haven't forgot about you.
I have been trying to lend my shoulder to another friend that needed a shoulder to lean on for the time.
As soon as things settle down I will be back full roll. Mean while I may just stop by and leave a hello.
Prayer For The Dying
Fearless people,
Careless needle.
Harsh words spoken,
And lives are broken.
Forceful ageing,
Help me I'm fading.
Heaven's waiting,
It's time to move on.
Crossing that bridge,
With lessons I've learned.
Playing with fire,
And not getting burned.
I may not know what you're going through.
But time is the space,
Between me and you.Life carries on... it goes on.
Just say die,
And that would be pessimistic.
In your mind,
We can walk across the water.
Please don't cry,
It's just a prayer for the dying.
I just don't know what's got into me.
Been crossin' that bridge,
With lessons I've learned....
Playing with fire,
And not getting burned....
burned burned...
I may not know what you're going through,
But time is the space,
Between me and you.
There is a light through that window...l
ight through that window...
Hold on say yes,
while people say noLife carries on...
on on on...
It goes on....oh-ee-oh, whoa-ee-oh ho oh...
I'm crossing that bridge,
With lessons I've learned....
I'm playing with fire,
And not getting burned....
I may not know what you're going through.
But time is the space,
Between me and you.
There is a light through that window.
Hold on say yes, while people say no
'Cause life carries on....oh-ee-oh, whoa-ee-oh ho on...
It goes on....oh-ee-on,
It goes on.
Life carries on.
When nothing else matters.
When nothing else matters.
I just don't know what's got into me.
It's just a prayer for the dying....
For the dying.
That is so sad I hope those babes do well. I hope the sky brightens up your days a little more. And try to think of good times.
That is the saddest thing I have heard in quite a long time. God bless those little lambs.
What a sad story. Thank goodness the little babies are doing well.
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