Ok my very good friend sent this to me via email. I thought it was very nice and it made me smile. Now I know it was to be a forward thing but as usual I never do what I am suppose to do so I may not reap the so called benefits from this. Pleas for give me chain letter gods but what did you expect from me ...LOL..
Natural High
1. Falling in love.
Falling in love with some one so much that when you are with them you have butterflies inside that make you so light you float on air. And when they are gone away you feel so empty inside like apart of you is missing....2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
When someone makes you so happy that the laugh you share comes from your soul and you laugh so hard that your face hurts....3. A hot shower.
When you stand in a hot shower and as the water hits you it feels as if your cares just melt away.....4. No lines at the supermarket.
The dream of everyone to go and have no wait no matter what time it is.....
5. A special glance.
When you look up and there he is looking at you without saying a word. And the smile on his face says it all.....
6. Getting mail.
Going to the mailbox and opening it and find a letter from a very good friend you have heard from in a while. And it saying "Hey I was just thinking of you".
7 Taking a drive on a pretty road.
Taking a drive on you favorite country road having the wind softly blowing in your hair and seeing all the flowers in bloom and thinking of a special person and wishing they was there to share it with you....
8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
As your driving along you turn the radio on and the song that makes your heart remember that moment so special comes on.....
9 Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
Next to someone you love in their arms so close you can feel their heart beat and the only sound you hear is the rain drops out side....
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
The softness how fluffy they are. Fresh and so warm in your hands you just want to pull them close and feel the warmth....
11. Chocolate milkshake (vanilla or strawberry).
The coldness in your mouth and you can taste each and every bit of the chocolate on your tounge. So smooth and sweet....
12. A bubble bath.
Hot with lots and lots of bubbles. Candles around a nice glass of wine and soft music playing and as you lay back against his body he crosses his arms around you and you just sink in relaxation....
13. Giggling.
Looking a something that makes you giggle so hard that you think your going to pee your pants.....
15. The beach.
Smelling the salt air and watching the waves roll in and just getting lost in all your thoughts and the beauty of the moment....
16. Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter.
17. Laughing at yourself.
Knowing you did something really stupid and no one else catching on.....
18. Looking into their eyes and knowing they Love you.
The feel that never is forgot. The soft twinkle in their eyes and feel their touch with out them ever touching you....
19. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
Just to hear their voice or them breath and the time goes so fast and it only feels like minutes...
20. Running through sprinklers.
And being a kids and nothing really matters...
21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
Just looking up and laughing at yourself and the world....
22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
And looking into their eyes and know that they mean it.....
23. Laughing at an inside joke with FRIENDS .
When you share something and later it happens and you just look at your friend and you both crack at the same time....
24. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
The flush red feelings that seems to start from your feet and runs up to your head...
25. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
How wonderful. Specially if there is someone special there with you that is holding you....
26. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).
So sweet and tender and it last for what seem forever....
27. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
28. Playing with a new puppy.
Warm feeling....
29. Having someone play with your hair.
Relaxing with a tingle to it you never want it to stop...
30. Sweet dreams.
That if you awake you want to just go back to sleep to see what happens next...
31. Hot chocolate.
With marshmellows so warm in your hands and taste so sweet......
32. Road trips with friends.
Never knowing what's going to happen next....
33. Swinging on swings.
Recalling your childhood....
34. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
And not knowing what to do next.....
35. Making chocolate chip cookies.
And licking the spoon....
36. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
And knowing she doesn't know how to bake...LOL....
37. Holding hands with someone you care about.
Feeling the softness of their hand and seeing just how wonderful your have fits and feels in their hand....
38. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
The laughter and tears and then the huggs....
39. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
A warm exciting feeling....
40. Watching the sunrise.
Specially with some one you love knowing your starting a new day together....
41. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
What we all take for granted....
42. Knowing that somebody misses you.
Heart felt joy.....
43. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.
The feel of their arms as they wrap them around you and pull you close. You never want them to let go....
44. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.
Thanks my dear friend for sharing.......
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