One day I will grow up I suppose. Maybe …lol…
Here I am a grandmother but not the white hair kind …lol..
(Hey only 46 now) and I still like to play in the rain. Crazy I know but it’s my inter little kid or what I call my inter child that I have maintained inside. She just doesn’t want to go where all our inter children go when we grow up.

(NO NOT ME !!)

(IT'S FUN!!)

And when it rains WOW I love the rain. When it rains I love to play in the rain. Just to stand in it and feel it hit your head and run down over your face. I have danced and even splashed in the puddles. You know where they splash up.

It’s a kid thing but I bet if you can recall when you were a kid what it was like you would be saying “oh yes I remember that feeling“. That’s not the only thing either.

Remember the cans of silly string? They came in all colors. They can be fun also. I am always thinking of fun things to do or to even get into to laugh and have fun.
I had a boyfriend that always like to talk on the phone all the time when he got off work. It never failed someone would call while we were together and he would talk and talk and talk.

Well I had been in a dollar store and found some of this cans ( 20 or so cans).
Well we were sitting there talking and having a few drinks feeling pretty good and the phone rings. Well like a good girl I sat there while he was on the phone talking to his coworker sometimes I even go out side with my drink until he was done.


So this time I sat there and after about 15 minutes I start to feel my little kid start plundering around and then it happened.
I walked behind the chair he was sitting in where I had the bag of SILLY STRING at and picked up a can. Now I couldn’t see what my facial expression was but I bet it was one of “I wonder if I do this what would he do” or “he might get angry." But at the time I just shrugged my shoulders and said “oh well”.
So he proceeds to talk and here I am standing behind him and doing that little dance thinking while he keeps on talking. "Well then it was on."
I walked behind the chair he was sitting in where I had the bag of SILLY STRING at and picked up a can. Now I couldn’t see what my facial expression was but I bet it was one of “I wonder if I do this what would he do” or “he might get angry." But at the time I just shrugged my shoulders and said “oh well”.
So he proceeds to talk and here I am standing behind him and doing that little dance thinking while he keeps on talking. "Well then it was on."
I pushed the button and it came. The stream just shot out all over his head and down on his face and well let’s just say everywhere. I tried not to laugh but it just busted out. Needless to say he ended his phone call and then he looked at me and you could see it in his eyes “you will have to pay” …lol…
I grabbed into the bag and pulled out a few cans and started running around the room laughing and shouting at him. He pulled the cap off and we commenced to spraying can after can running back and fourth grabbing another can until they were all gone.
I grabbed into the bag and pulled out a few cans and started running around the room laughing and shouting at him. He pulled the cap off and we commenced to spraying can after can running back and fourth grabbing another can until they were all gone.
Then when they were all empty we just stood there looking at each other laughing still out of breath. Looking around the room well picture this. It looked as if there was a high school or collage party with 50 kids in the room …lol…

It was on the walls and the ceiling was covered were when you took aim it shot up and stuck. All over the table and chairs and yes even all over the bed. We just stood there and laughed at each other. It was all over us.

He just looked at me and shook his head and smiled. And like so many other times when I did something as a child would do he would shake his head and say the famous words.
“I never know what to expect from you”. Then he would put his arms around me kissed me and hugged me tight.
This night was so much fun and we laughed so much. I will say this when you laugh and I mean REALLY LAUGH from the deepest part from inside of you. You feel it. It’s a different laugh it lightens your soul and your heart.
This night was so much fun and we laughed so much. I will say this when you laugh and I mean REALLY LAUGH from the deepest part from inside of you. You feel it. It’s a different laugh it lightens your soul and your heart.

So sometime when you are sitting there and have time on your hands. Which I know many of you don’t even know what is. But even if it’s just a few seconds think about it.
The little things you done as a child. Remember what the feeling was and hold on tight to that memory.

Then one day when your feeling a little mischievous then pull it.

(LAUGH) Invite you enter child back to you.
Have some fun but most important LAUGH ! ! ! ! !

(This is for all of us who still knows how to play ...lol...)
A great philosophy! Great post...keep it up!
Loved this post. It was really cute. and Hey atleast silly string isn't too hard to clean up, right? haha
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